Static Spatial Models

1. Landslide susceptibility mapping using DoTRules

This document illustrates the stepwise procedure of landslide susceptibility mapping using DoTRules. Please follow the above workflow for implementing the DoTRules algorithm in R (click here to download the scripts). The original open access publication may be also found here. Although I have no permission to redistribute the dataset, it is an easy task to prepare a similar dataset. Below map shows the location of various types of slope failure and slides in Tasmania, Australia. For more details about the data the LIST (Land Information System Tasmania) that is a government online infrastructure that helps you find and use information about land and property in Tasmania.

2. Geomarketing

In this tutorial you can learn more about using R for Geomarketing purposes. The r-markdown scripts (see here) are adpoted from Geocomputation with R developed by Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow.